Adams Family Tree

Sarah Elizabeth Gearhart

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P Sarah Elizabeth Gearhart (ID=950)
Born: 1768 - Rockbridge County, Virginia
Died: 16 Oct 1847 (aged 78–79)
Place of Death: Miami County, Ohio
Buried: Martin Cemetery Troy, Miami County, Ohio
Remarks: Wife of L Bousman

Children:     Born     Died
Lewis Gearhard
William Gearhard
Catherine Gearhart
* Mary Elizabeth Gearheart
John William Gearheart


Sarah Elizabeth Gearhart

Father: * Johann William Gerhardt (ID=929)
b: 1744 | d: 1795
Mother: * Catherine Cartrought (ID=928)
b: 6 Jan 1751 | d: 8 Jan 1833
GrandFather: (ID=)
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Grand Mother:
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G GrandFather: (ID=)
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G Grand Mother:
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GG GrandFather: (ID=)
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GG Grand Mother:
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GGG GrandFather: (ID=)
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GGG Grand Mother:
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GGGG GrandFather: (ID=)
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GGGG Grand Mother:
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* In February, Samuel Adams of Massachusetts writes a Circular Letter opposing taxation without representation and calling for the colonists to unite in their actions against the British government. In May, a British warship armed with 50 cannons sails into Boston harbor after a call for help from custom commissioners who are constantly being harassed by Boston agitators. In June, a customs official is locked up in the cabin of the Liberty, a sloop owned by John Hancock. Imported wine is then unloaded illegally into Boston without payment of duties. Following this incident, customs officials seize Hancock's sloop. After threats of violence from Bostonians, the customs officials escape to an island off Boston, then request the intervention of British troops. In September, at a town meeting in Boston, residents are urged to arm themselves. Later in September, English warships sail into Boston Harbor, then two regiments of English infantry land in Boston and set up permanent residence to keep order.