Adams Family Tree

* Absalom E Stewart

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P * Absalom E Stewart (ID=942)
Born: 1769 -
Died: 1829

* Tabitha Clay (ID=943)
Born: 1778 -
Died: 1840

Children:     Born     Died
* Mary Ann Stewart     1815 -     1914


* Absalom E Stewart

Father: (ID=)
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Mother: (ID=)
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GrandFather: (ID=)
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Grand Mother:
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G GrandFather: (ID=)
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G Grand Mother:
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GG GrandFather: (ID=)
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GG Grand Mother:
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GGG GrandFather: (ID=)
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GGG Grand Mother:
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GGGG GrandFather: (ID=)
b: | d:
GGGG Grand Mother:
b: | d:

* Tabitha Clay

b: | d:
b: | d:
b: | d:
Grand Mother:
b: | d:
G GrandFather:
b: | d:
G Grand Mother:
b: | d:
GG GrandFather:
b: | d:
GG Grand Mother:
b: | d:
GGG GrandFather:
b: | d:
GGG Grand Mother:
b: | d:
GGGG GrandFather:
b: | d:
GGGG Grand Mother:
b: | d:
* In March, merchants in Philadelphia join the boycott of British trade goods. In May, a set of resolutions written by George Mason is presented by George Washington to the Virginia House of Burgesses. TheVirginia Resolves oppose taxation without representation, the British opposition to the circular letters, and British plans to possibly send American agitators to England for trial. In July, in the territory of California, San Diego is founded by Franciscan Friar Juniper Serra.